Feb 072014

A checklist is extremely helpful to anyone involved in the BDSM community, especially those new to it. It’s simply a list of fetishes that you may or may not find interesting. With a good checklist, you can choose activities that you’ve tried and how much you liked or disliked an activity, usually based on a numeric scale. You can also rate each one as hard limits or soft limits.

You can exchange checklists with a potential play partner so that they have all of your desired play information. It’s a helpful way to kick off negotiations before you begin a scene.

The more you play and grow in the lifestyle, you may develop different feelings about what you’ve chosen on your checklist. Feel free to update it! The best checklist that I’ve found is at CEPE. It’s very thorough. You can download it. You can print it.

Feel free with the Q&A!