Dec 092014

We worked at a bar filled with people who kept eyes on the door, and did their business at night. I was too young to work there. A pretty girl who just hit her twenties was fresh meat in a place like that. I was vetted, but my ability to do the job was another thing. The place was a seedy layer of rough.

Thomas was intimidating. He had thirteen years on me. I had no intention of causing Thomas any problems. Brian made me an issue for Thomas.

All of our secrets chased up the sun.

I knew Thomas felt some sort of way about me in the beginning.

I didn’t care.

We were fucking in the end.



“I don’t have any Kool-Aid or orange juice. How about a beer? I think you deserve it.” Thomas chuckled darkly and pulled his head from the fridge. Thomas liked the sharp parts of honesty.

“So….. why hasn’t he said anything to me?” I popped my ass up on the counter top. I hissed when the peeling laminate scraped against the back of my thigh. I spread my legs, cradling an ankle in my hand while my other one gingerly ran across the abrasion. There wasn’t any blood, but it hurt like a beast.

“You know that I can see almost all of your vagina?” Thomas was blunt as a fucking butter-knife.

I pulled my legs back down and rolled my eyes. I had on a flimsy tee and a pair of faded, red cotton panties. I’ve never been modest. Besides, I was fucking Brian. I never gave a second thought to Thomas seeing my body. Thomas and Brian were friends. I liked to think that Thomas and I had a slight friendship. I wasn’t going to pretend Thomas’ proclamation had anything to do with his alliance to me as much as it was a way to get rid of me.

“I’m being serious,” I was young.

“So am I,” he finished off his sandwich.

Thomas turned his beer up and finished it off. He ducked in for another.

“What was I supposed to do? Brian stashes you here for the weekend so he can fuck and go as he pleases? Look… somebody had to tell you. You were going to figure it out one way or another. This little set-up wasn’t going to last forever.”

Thomas was right. It was a life lesson. Brian stashed me with Thomas so I was always accessible. I was the whore. And I got played. Flickers of people I’d let him meet and places I’d taken him to, family, all in my head. Inexperience shook around my head in big boulders, then plummeted  down my gut until I fully understood.

“Was there anything else?” I asked.

“That Sherri bitch, tried to get a job over there where you used to work?” Thomas motioned in the air with his bottle.

I nodded slowly, placing the girl in my head.

“Brian fucked her in the ass. He said she almost wore him out.” Thomas nodded factually.

My brows lifted.

“Lovely,” I said.

“So, does Brian’s girlfriend and her kids live with him? Or is it the other way around?” I was curious.

Thomas grinned, shaking his head, “after six years, does it matter?”

  3 Responses to “Two-Timing”

  1. I love the twists and turns in this :)

    Rebel xox

  2. I was a bit confused, but intrigued

  3. Something I could have written. Something I’ve experienced too many times to still be that naïve. I wonder why I am.


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